Crying is gross gross and I do it often often because I have a lot of emotions and I don't know how to get it out without water pouring from my eyes eyes that grow red and puffy
puffy is not a good look for me me I hate crying but I do it it makes me feel better better to cry than have no emotion like you
you couldn't even pretend to care care about our friendship friendship means something to me but not to you you won't cry
cry about the fact that I tried tried to get you to open up and speak to me like an adult adults talk about things and they also cry
crying may be weakness to you you were silent silent because you had nothing to say say something and open your ******* mouth I wanted to scream at you
you didn't care caring about someone is exhausting when they don't care or put in any effort back back to you I ask you if you have anything to say
say something after listening to me pour my heart out to you you really have nothing to say say something so when the tears come later I can say to myself that she tried
tried to mend things things would never go back to the way they were were they ever together to being with
with everything I said you just sat there there's my answer answer me this, will you cry for me the way I cried for you you won't because robots don't cry