Every Monday when I face you. Your ball-shaped absorbing eyes. Your pointy little nose as I observe a mouse. Your reddish hot-lip. Astonishing colored auburn faded into fair curvy hair. All in all a fascinating facade. But at all, just a facade.
She drowns behind her mirror. Broken under the surface of the ocean.
Too often I think about her, to help her. I ask her what she thinks about the world. I know she has rotten roots inside her. Carries and buries them deep inside her. That's why I want to help her. Illustrate the importance of her. Create an urge to live and love.
We see us eye to eye. Ask her to figure her situation. An incomparable conversation. It's like apples and oranges. I let her know that her style is magnificent. I wanna hug her. After I asked May I hug you? She feels cosily warm and comfortably soft.
Slowly I realise that reality distorts my reality. Confused, I realise that we never talked together. Swiftly, I perceive that we just looked at each other. Sadly, since we know that we like to one another. Finally, we admit that we are broken beings.