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Dec 2017
A heart that is gold may hold
But a heart that is clear shows fear
For everything inside is displayed to show
How much I’ve been feeling so horridly low

A heart may be there
But not in despair
And calling it weak
Or empty and bleak

Does nothing for you
And they haven’t a clue
To which it feels
To have your hopes slowly peeled
Off the bone and skin
So take your complaints to the garbage bin

I’m not being petty, or stupid and naive
But problems will fall like the brown autumn leaves
And now they are blackened and rot and decay
And I want the sun blotted out and to go far far away

My heart is in tears, but I need not express
For a suffering fool does his part to best
When he admits quietly and with wise dignity
So do shut up and come back when you see
That this is no exaggeration
Merely a human’s limitation
To how far emotions can go
Yet you still whine, “SO?!”

I’m done with today, I want to black out
And I can’t do so much as emit one quick shout
Because a suffering fool admits it quietly
When his one true love is shredded before he.
Heartbreak is a b*tch.
Written by
         ---, ryn, Lin, Rick the shoe shine boy, Nylee and 8 others
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