sometimes i let go. not in the way you probably think, and definitley not all at once. i’m not crazy, even though the chemical inbalance in my head says different. i let go a little bit at a time. first, i let go of the healthy relationships i once had down the garbage disposal just like the ones before. next i’ll let go of my job and every opportunity i have worked so hard to accomplish. i’ll throw away my belongings and my photographs and my memories. i’ll purge my life of every good thing that reminds me of how good i used to feel and how bad i feel in the moment. i’ll make mistakes that seem more like a decision that needed to be made...
a week will pass, or maybe just a day or two... and then i will realize that i just tossed my entire existence into the trash. i’ll make everything to be as close as it was before, and ill feel **** good doing it. and then when **** hits the fan, i’ll let go. it’s what i’m good at.