someday i won't wake up crying because of how much I miss you
someday I won't constantly question why everyone continuously proves to let me down when every word I dictate and every action I muster is to make every person in my life happier than they were
someday my parents will recognize the grin I plaster on my face everyday is fake and that hidden behind are shadows of loneliness and regret
someday ill be happy when the sunrises because it means I've been granted another day and when the gentle whispers of dusk emerge ill be grateful for the stars that glimmer among the blackness
someday we will be given what we deserve
someday I will no longer be in a broken home filled with ugly words spewed at each other and twisted lies coursing through each room, poisoning relationships and love
someday all the hours of hard work and those sleepless nights and days spent listening to the rain patter on the windows because that was the only solace to my pain will pay off
someday the tunnel of blackness and the cloak of unhappiness with lift
the days will feel longer and the sunlight will wash over you, succumbing you with the warmth
the nights will be an endless stream of dreams of opportunity and friendship and laughter
the future will be full of new discoveries and relationships
someday you will recognize your own beauty to be the eighth wonder of the world