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Oct 2017
(the act of simply jumping straight into someone without considering the effects of it, ​nor understanding who the person really is.)

and you remind me of
the moments,
as i read poetry,
the times where i
dive head first
into the unknown -
drowning myself in the
whirlpool of thoughts
belonging to
someone else and somehow,
relating them all to myself.
its also the
sense of comfort,
when i only focus on the
beauty of the melodies,
overlooking the tenderness
of certain details
as they convey a different meaning,
forgetting to consider
the sadness,
the human
hidden underneath.
its precisely so
that you became my poetry,
the one who had me hooked
with the remix of his dictionary -
the rhyming words that made me forget
to look beyond the facade
​he has written for me to read.
Written by
vxliangkylie  19/F/Singapore
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