Can’t I just hold your hand Try to feel your soul inside mine Relax, exhale, take my final inhale
Drift off to sleep in my arms, Blanketed in certainty and unattainable infatuation Make me whole
Fill my fragmented cracks with the cement of your devotion Tile the rooms of my brain with glass To see within the deserted halls see the shadows creeping out of obscurity see the graffitied window panes, Covered with initials of lost people
Make me feel alive Enchant me with your laugh Douse me with your tongue licks, Feeling like stinging hornets or a Tattoo needle crawling across my flesh Battling the many scars, bruises, freckles, marks Trace my veins with fingertips of silk
Dance under this canopy of frostbitten ceiling fans Relinquish power to the earths seductive pulse Be with me
Conform your broken body with mine and Feel my sweet tears drip into your abyss Soak them up like dried up dandelions Shed them too
When you feel, I feel Say jump and I’m not scared of the height Air is openness and the ground is your arms Gravitate towards me, my radioactive body decays Feel the radiation, the heart wrenching terrors of unrequited loves that have left me in shackles designed for thieves
You have stolen my heart ****** it out of its cold castle, Crystalized by broken promises
Dream me a new day Enfold me in destinations beyond our reach And make sure to catapult my shattered limbs and Flailing body at the sun, For it shines brighter than me
Need the comfort of your giggle Tickling me from the inside, invading my digestive system, Planting seeds of butterflies
Cope with my sadness I’ll cope with yours Please Can’t I just hold your hand.