Never say never unless your saying your never going to say it.
2. Dream bigger. Even if it doesn't come true, there was fun in dreaming it.
3. Why date when your not old enough to get married? Your heart is like a big tank. There are different compartments in that tank. One for friends, family, and the one you'll spend the rest of your life with. There is only so much love in that compartment. If you give a bunch of it away on boyfriends and girlfriends, there won't be much left on your one true love. Your husband or wife. Stay friends for a while. Then date. Then engagement. Then marriage. Then children. Then tell your children about this and so on. Etc. etc. blah blah blah.
4. Choose the right friends. They really do influence you. A lot. So be around those people you say " Oh!! I wish I could be like that!!" Because you will.
5. Don't be afraid. Be courageous. See Joshua 1:9 or 9:1. Trust in the LORD.
By me and my dad. Thanks a lot. Bunches of love!!❤️❤️