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Jul 2017
Those paths to happiness...
Should not have been lost...
I should have not...
Wandered away...

In this journey of centuries...
In this saga of love...
Only if we could have...
Stayed together for love...

Something you could have told me...
That thing you should have said...
Something you could have told me...
That thing you should have said...

Someday we will meet...
That day you will say...
Only if we had not broken up...
Wish we could have been together forever...

I still long for those paths...
The ones that we walked together...
Hand in hand...
In such a way...
That we were together...
Wish I could have said it...
Something I could have told you...
That thing I should have said...
Something I could have told you...
That thing I should have said...

Someday we will meet...
That day you will say...
Someday we will meet...
That day you will say...

Only if we had not broken up...
Wish we could have been together forever...
I wished for continuity...
But what I got was a full stop.

My HP Poem #1635
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
       Debanjana Saha, Jenn Linh, Timothy, ryn, --- and 2 others
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