When many things seemed to be going wrong You just then so happened to come along and lift me up out of my deep sorrow thereby giving me hope for the morrow.
You also taught me about faith and trust which in our relationship was a must; through my self effort and Your saving grace I yearned to reach for a much higher place.
To get back to where I had fallen from I would first then have to undo the wrong of some past karma done in ignorance which was scored then by disobedience.
Like the story of the prodigal son who returned home to his father and won I reflected on those things said and done at each day's end for a better outcome.
In daily meditation's quietude I regained confidence and fortitude for self discipline and transformation to rise up to that higher life station.
Your helping hand was indispensable and so very strongly responsible in saving me then from all of that gloom I was heading toward failing to bloom.
It would be against so many an odd that You helped me to gain favour with God Who was really the One Divine Being within every person always seeing. _______
Writen in 2016. The actual theme goes back or refers to my early days on the path.