I don’t believe a word you say; You voted for Trump, so go away. I don’t want your opinion any more On literally any kind of issue. Though you now begin to realize What you did to us all. Get a tissue. Go stand in the corner and let us Adults fix up the mess you made. None of you paid attention Further than the second grade.
It’s not truly all your fault, I confess. We have to lay blame on the press. I’m not much happier with the Millions who didn’t even vote. They stayed home and ******; Made the country miss the boat. A lazy, worthless population Is a shameful kind of circumstance But a stupid loudmouthed bunch of fools Is at the prom without any pants.
Then we look to a political group That rolls around in their own **** By electing a pompous baboon Who can barely read or spell Who spews out daily jabberwocky That drives us all to a kind of hell. He's an attention ***** and monster. A spoiled rich brat with no brains Who wants to set fire to the USA Then urinate on the remains.
The horror is, though it’s all visible Your lack of care about facts is risible. You gladly go along with him when He blames his predecessor instead, Saying the fault is what your idiot did Not keeping the truth firmly in your head. It’s no longer campaign rhetoric. So please wake the hell up and see What your stupidity is doing to us Because we can’t bend you over our knees.