I’d like to know what a hero is; Pretty simple, I believe. Explain to me how a hero is Supposed to act And when the fool’s Heinous crimes will be Given a reprieve.
What is a hero? Is a hero supposed to mock What causes the danger Or laugh in the faces of Those who wish for change? Where’s his cape? Where’s his dimming lights And crowded stage?
What is a hero when he Starts the problems he was Deemed to end? What is he but a hero when The foe becomes his friend? Is he still the powerful And mighty When the journey towards Greatness has become too flighty?
Is a hero supposed to cower Behind the power? Is a hero meant to Lead with hate instead of love? Is this “hero” your definition Of the “great” America we’re still Yet to become? What is a hero doing with You? How are we going to get this Message through? It’s not he who is the hero But we the people Who went within a second From a million to zero
It’s not them who are the Heros, but the villains Overruled by corporations And common greed. What is a villain wearing a Hero’s mask Doing imprisoning a country That struggled so long To be freed?
As you may have guessed, this poem is about the one and only Donald J. Trump.