Like the ring of a bell in the distance some trance which in an instance can seem like it lasts an eternity, I embrace the natural wild just as much as I can, I know it's not a normal thing but life is short and I am happiest free. Lost in the moonlight halo or entrenched in active chaotic madness, it's all the same to me. A vagabond, a fool, I earned this by word of mouth alone, never again truly kissed, scarred and yet my poor living is sacred, there is no place I can call my own, this all I am thinking as I drift off to sleep for the very last time, as you hold my shaky hand,* there is little I'd have left for my journey while they take all they can that is left of my world all for the sake of greed, of nothing but selfish sentimentality, I am already guilty, instantly proven guilty, so for once let me be.