A true leader is a selfless soul, One who thinks not for himself, But for the others, for the many For the halves and for the whole, of humanity
Regardless of age or importance to man, It’s not in the memory of their great names, In with which we stand. But in the willingness to mold One’s self into a servant,
To humbly hold the troubled hand, And to become the kind of person who doesn’t abuse, The right to demand
But instead, looks to enable others, So that they might just begin, and begin again
Because all of the power in the world, Can be abused, and removed if misused
For this, my dear leaders, I ask of you, To not lose yourself in the arrogance Of discovering that you are indeed you
Because true leadership is not about you And leadership, will never be about you So before you lead, would you let go of you That way you might win in spite of you
It's not about you. And it will never be. And to make it such... Is such a shame. RIP.