I'm blind and the liquid fire that goes down my throat taste better than any kiss I've ever had or maybe it just taste better than the bitterness I want your lips I crave you I want see the Sun for the first time
I can feel you but I can't see you
but how is it that you make me feel electric eccentric ecstatic how do you light flames so bright I still can see them even when my eyes are closed the ocean doesn't have a fighting chance against the wildfire you started within me
mend me into a cup so when you drink you think of me
you bring wildflowers into my dull forest green grass I've never seen peonies and sunflowers and daisys and hyrdrogenias look so in peace and you make my heart beat in time in what seems like forever I could smell these flowers even after they died and the Sun decided she was done with them but I never cared much for flowers
when you leave idc what I'm remembered for I just want to be remembered*
if you go like the moon says good bye to his morning star then please remember the way it felt at 21 to still believe some things would come back and the Sun would say hello to her moon before he left trace the feel of your lips the way they form into smile and remember the pattern we're not ever getting 18 back and I'll write you sweet nothings on napkins I'll leave in a diner where we once got ice cream