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Oct 2016
His eyes widened as he struggled for breath,
Almost as though he could see his approaching death.
His young face, puffy; his veins bulging out completely,
As he looked at the nurse seemingly begging for mercy.
But she didn't care, she only did as she was told,
As she removed the oxygen mask & the blanket that shielded from the cold.
And in that state he shivered and shook,
Labouring even harder with each breath he took.
His legs lay motionless, his arms hanging by the side,
Saliva dripping from his mouth down to his thighs.
His eyes searched mine, as though in [a] silent plea,
"Do something! Please help me!"
But alas! I was as helpless as he,
Powerless! Hampered by inability.
For the Fates had decided before hand,
To afflict him with a condition incurable by Man.
His eyes formed with tears clear as glass,
As though he realised the next breath might be his last.
Suddenly he let out a groan probably of desperation and pain,
And I beheld the life from his body drain.
His chest stopped heaving and suddenly everything was still,
His limbs had lost their vitality and will.
He died at a tender age with no family at his side,
With his final moments beheld by this stranger's eyes.

R.I.P my dear. You will not be forgotten.

iv. 06/10/16
Wrote this after I witnessed a 10 y.o pass on from end-stage renal disease. He was abandoned by his family and could no longer afford hospital support. May he r.i.p.
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