Separation does weird things to the body causes a continental divide between the mind and the heart This divide-- it causes doubt and it distorts three truths for three lies. It shifts a millimeter each moment till one day, there's been an earthquake and you no longer can tell fantasy from reality due to the irrevocable damage. You realize the memories aren't really memories-- they are perceptions of events gone wrong and this cataclysm of love allows it. You see, the sweetness of words whispered now have an underlining bitterness now have a certain edge that makes you wonder if they were ever true And now you notice, far too early, the warmth from their embrace just... leaves, too quickly. they just don't hold on like they used to. its ever so subtle, but ever so notable, and its enough to make you worry about the things you see. And finally, you both begin to see... .... that separation does weird things to the body. It causes a continental divide between the mind and the heart and the realization that there's no healing when you're miles and miles apart.