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Jul 2016

Luke 15:11-32

A great landowner had two sons
The Elder was quite "good"
The younger was a wayward type
Did not do as he should

He was bold as brass and worse
He caused his father strife
He wanted his inheritance
To lead a sinful life

His father granted him his wish
And so off he went
To the brothels and the ***** Dens
As was his sensual bent

After he had wasted his last dime
(Or Shekel in those days)
He lived in a pig pen
Due to his Wayward ways

He knew his father's laborers
Did not suffer lack
He wanted to join them then
He wanted to go back

So he returned over the hill
And was yet far away
His father ran to his young son
Fell on his neck that day!

Put a mantle on his shoulders
And a ring upon his hand
"Let us Feast on fatted calf!"
This was his command

The Elder son returned from field
And saw the merry feast
He would not go in to it
Was not happy in the least!

"Why do you greet that silly fool!"
Angrily he spoke
"you give him the fatted calf!
I don't even rate a goat!"

"Your brother was a lost one
He knew not the way
You have been trustworthy
Each and every day.

Why are you now so angry?
How is it you don't see?
Your brother was a slave to sin

and now he's finally free!

The father was so like our Father
Finding mercy. Is it odd?
He wants us to come on home

Come home and


(C) 7/29/2016
Why do you suppose the older brother was so angry? Jealousy? Assuredly. But it was more than that. I believe the older brother with also greedy. His father had given his brother part of his own inheritance. The fatted calf. The mantle. The ring. The older brother felt those were all his possessions. How is the older brother like the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus's day? They were "good" everyday. But they hated the the tax collectors and the prostitutes because they were sinners. Aside from his disciples, those were the people that Jesus spent the most time with.

Thank you, Ovi, for allowing me to be part of your "GO WITH" Series!

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