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Jul 2016
O lovely lady, poised for flight!
In the wondrous floral seas
Lightly lilting on the breeze
A flute of orange fulsome light!

Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Latin lover from tropic climes
With a dance, a sulry mime
I stand with longing as I see ya!

With antennai you touch the air
Zephyrs of sweet paradise
You could melt the frigid ice
With the fire of your stare!

O, how you send your leaves aloft!
Feathers like a Sensitive Plant
Small and delicate they slant
Your floral offering, clustered, soft

Though it be strange... you are a pea!
Yes, you own that family name
Wild though, you can't be tamed

Bird of Paradise!


The Mexican Bird of Paradise grows in tropical, subtropical and desert areas. It is a very hardy and beautiful plant!

The flowers are clustered bright orange and yellow with little feelers that come out from the center. The leaves of this plant I like Acacia leaves. Very small. This prevents the plant from losing too much water. We have one growing right by our porch and I love to look at it! It is truly inspiring in its pulchritudinous pea-ness!
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