a rose? well that is something that i am not. i am not admired by many and adored by even more. people do not gravitate towards me because of my cliche aspect of beauty. one does not view me as one of the most d i v e r s e signs of beauty love or even grace. both striking and beautiful, she has many thorns and ****** that can cut you and make you bleed.
me? instead of all that, i am a leaf. ordinary, that i am. and very much overlooked. often ignored and underestimated. your eyes do not adhere to my exclusive version of beauty. i can't hurt you, or at least not as much. i am not made up of thorns that could easily nip you and your fragile skin. and even tho she, rose, has many ****** and thorns that has ample enough chances to cut you, you still choose it over me.