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Jul 2016
A warm and awesome sunny day
In the Southwest town
Of Tucson Arizona
Buy your dreams a dollar down

Kim & me were walking slow
Down Broadway Boulevard
We had a silly argument
And Kim let down her guard

She was just 14 years old
I was sweet sixteen
She was a pretty black girl
In a t-shirt and blue jeans

Our tiff got fairly vocal
We were both strong willed
A predator saw our antics
And moved in for the ****

We fought a bit and then we split
Kim went toward the mall
The monster drove by in his van
Gave Kimberly a call

Foolish girl! She bought his ploy!
He lured and she got IN!
His vehicle was shabby
He was short & thin

I saw the scene as it went down
And though my anger burned
I loved the little miscreant
And I was concerned

So I headed eastward
Towards the way she'd went
I was scared by this time
I wanted to repent

Then all of a sudden
The van! It had come back!
The thin dude called me over
Said his name was Jack

"I saw Kim," the thin man said,
"She is sure upset
She's forgiven you the fight
She wants to forget

She wanted me to let you know
She's waiting in the court
I am a good friend of hers...
C'mon. Let's make this short

This is a pretty busy street
Won't you please get in?
I promise I won't hurt you
I am just a friend"

Well. Though it was snarky
I bought the malarkey
And in that van I slid
I was just a foolish teen
So I did as was bid!

Now. I was in a pretty dress
Of colored floral print
But it was pure. It was demure
It was innocent!

But that scurrilous letcher
Looked me up and down
I was young, but wasn't dumb
His inspection made me frown

"What's that face?" The **** asked
"Won't you come and play?
I have a matress in the back
And come to that I'll pay!"


Well. That was a big mistake
He got furiously mad
I didn't know how mean he was
I didn't see how bad...

I didn't know he'd prowled the town
That he'd no regard for life
It should have come as no surprise
When he pulled a KNIFE!!!

He said, "Well now, pretty thing,
You'd best sing a new note.
You ain't tough. I've had enough!
I may just slit your throat!

Now. Believe me if you want to.
Disbelieve or not.
I was strong... and I got calm.
Gave the situation thought...

He thought I'd be frightened.
He thought I would cry.
But I had God's hand upon me
As I looked him in the eye

"I'll do what you want, friend,
Yep. I been around.
I'll do whatever you may want,
Just put that **** knife DOWN.

Shaking with desire
The creep was spineless squid
He looked me up and down again
And did as he was bid!!!

Now, the handle of the door
Was broken off inside
But the window wing was open
Yep... the wing was open wide!

He'd set the knife between us
I had no time to think
I grabbed that knife and threw it out!
Quicker than a wink!

A comedic look of Horror
Spread over that man's face
I looked him in the eyes again
I gave that man no Grace!

He thought I would just slap him
But I did this instead
I turned my back onto the door

"Now we are on even terms!!!"
I screamed with all my might!!!
" I dated a black belt...

I'll bet that man was wondering
How it all began
He knew I didn't mess around
And in the end he RAN!!!

I got out his side of the van
I tell you no lie
As I walked towards the mall
I broke down and cried!

A sweet elderly couple
Had heard me and my screams
They helped me to a phonebooth
And soothed me in their arms

The police came very quickly
And they were sure impressed
They said they'd been looking for the guy
But they had no address

I'd taken down his license plate
After I broke his chops
I pulled it out of my small purse
And gave it to the cops

They said I was a hero
To have it end that way
Then there were reporters
It was in the Star the next day.

How a little teenager
Had beaten an armed man
They apprehended the miscreant
I guess that's out his plan

You may find this incredible.
You may find this odd.
My courage had a higher source

a great and loving GOD.

(C) 7/4/2016
This is a true story. It made the paper the next day. Arizona Daily Star in 1973. They chided me about getting in that van. But the way I got out of the situation by the seat of my pants and my wits impressed them. Don't be afraid to fight! But use your head first!

Kimberly had gotten out of the situation unscathed also... At that point he had left the window the van open and she jumped out of it! LOL!

Thanks for reading this long story. And always remember, if you are a teenager (and even if you're not), to be very wary of strangers. This internet can also harbor horrible people. So BE CAREFUL!
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