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Jun 2016
... don't pray for things possible.

Pray for impossible things!

(C) 6/30/2016
How could a woman with strep throat, double pneumonia, and severe infection in her bronkaids be completely healed in a day and a half? Her doctors were completely baffled. She had been on every antibiotic known to man. But she was pronounced completely cured. It has been chronicled by the doctors involved as a bona fide miracle.

How could a man who's a hardened criminal, murderer of 3 people, an unrepentant drug dealer and member of the Devils Diciples motorcycle gang turn from this lifestyle and leave the city he'd lived in all his life (overnight) for a new life as a Christian?

How could a woman who had battled severe depression all her life find true joy & happiness in Christ... OVERNIGHT?

I invite all non-believers to explain these things away. I witnessed these Miracles personally. Because I was the one who prayed. I have never prayed for the possible. Because I know the God I serve wants prayer for the impossible. I did not tell you of these things to glorify myself. I am less than nothing. A drug addict. An alcoholic. Used to lie, cheat, and steal for drugs. I was delivered from all of that... OVERNIGHT. CAN THAT BE EXPLAINED?

If it can, "Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do."

♡ Catherine
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