Open a document once again Miss you once again Want you once again Cry once again.
I write page after page of my heart upon these pages Of forgotten words and unspoken phrases Its been months now but I still find myself missing you in moments when I wish to think of anything else Everytime I get better, I fall back into reverse You taught me to drive stick shift and you held my hand first A kiss from you on my cheek thrilled me more than any on my lips I forever wanted to feel you on my fingertips
Stop. Shift into park. God how I remember your soul as my favorite kind of art You touched me in ways that when you left I fell apart Clinging to our memories, I wished for a fresh start
But no matter how far we wander we seem to find our way back For split moments in smiles or laughter, for a funny **** picture Its as if you split open my heart and play my sadness like a movie feature What did you do to turn me into this creature.
This creature who loves you but will never utter a word This creature who will love you the way that she herself deserves.