I'll commit myself to the present age, And brace myself for the common range Of emotions that I seem to face, But day by day I just watch them fade.
I didn't think she'd love you like I would, Now I know that you think she could Heal your wounds as you pour out blood, Then her love pours out just like a flood.
She loves you more than I think you know, Maybe deep inside, but you won't show The way you feel about her alone, It pains me deeply almost to the bone.
The way she looked at you with eyes so warm, The way her words can calm a storm. Perhaps I'm jealous, I don't know what for, But there's a feeling inside that I can't ignore.
Just think of me if you're feeling let down, You know I'll always be around. So, with love in my heart and thoughts in my head I know she is better for you instead.