Scrolling through old pictures, I come across the photos That show a timeline of my descent into madness
As mental illness ravaged every single part of me Stole my personality My laugh My smile The very essence of my being.
Most will say "It was just a phase" But that torment That mental and physical pain Wanting to disappear The horror of looking into the mirror and not recognizing yourself Not knowing what was going on And not being sure you could stop it.
When your worst enemy lies within you, How can you attack it, without hurting yourself? Perhaps that is why mental illness is so tough to overcome. You can't just snap out of it.
I shed tears for how sick I was How inconsolable How dark days turned into darker nights Where nothing mattered Nothing had purpose I was less valuable than the air I breathed.
But I'm grateful for those that stuck by me That believed in me That picked me up when I fell down For I didn't disappear into the abyss
I was propped back up on my own two feet Prepared for battle Prepared to change Prepared to do whatever it took to survive.
Fought through university Fought to make new friends To NOT be defined by my invisible illness
I soldiered on. Now I'm up against the hardest part of the battle. Accepting myself for who I am.
And I will continue to fight. For surrendering is abandoning the very essence of my being My soul will not bear a white flag.