Tears trace their way down her cheeks The pain in her heart is to much to take She sits in the dark and lest the pain take over The pain The throbbing pain like a wild beast in a too small cage unable to stop its pacing Claws digging into tender flesh She weeps and wants to let the poor beast out She wishes for a way for the trapped animal to escape
She understands what she must do But she is scared Her body shivers at the thought But it's the only way She picks up the blade and slits her wrists Her blood pooling on the bathroom floor The beast inside screams in pain and then calms down Sitting and waiting to see what's next Her blood red like fire and as deep as the dark gushes out of her slim wrists She is fading life slipping away And the beast is closer to being free As she takes her last breath a tiger orange like sunsets with red marks around his eyes appears before her He looks her in the eye and bows Acknowledging her pain and torment All of the dark days she has endured Every night of tears He stands upright And starts to fade Her vision is going Her life is gone She closes her eyes for the last time Never to be opened again
That night the neighbors heard a sound Like a great beast morning the lost of a friend