The strength bestowed upon us can turn into a heavy burden, One which our scrawny shoulders sometimes can't carry, Or our tired backs from entering the journey of womanhood, Or even our bruised and battered souls that continue to brave on along this path of emotional, mental and even physical scaring we live to bear.
Maybe being a woman means I'm supposed to be inferior to my other half, Or bowing to him as if he had turned into a humanly form of a deity that I am supposed to worship.
Listen! I am a person, I am that face society either frowns or smiles upon, I break, I soldier on, I cry, I laugh... and boy, is it quite an interesting journey of self-realisation.
But at the end of the day, I want to raise my voice to the sound of jubilance, Not to news of someone getting *****; a girl not going to school because she is not 'smart enough'; a cry from the brutality at the hands of another; another statistic telling us the measure of a woman, when compared to a man; another dream dying because your belief in yourself and the capabilities you possess has become a distortion of what everyone believes to be 'right/wrong'
You'll be given varying descriptions, And that's okay... ...because