Time was chasing me,but I was fast and swift, it was time to run,laugh,be as dramatic as I could be. It was the best time of my life...my youth. Nothing could stop me,I was invincible, No ache or pain could harm me. I was young, beautiful,flawless... Why could I not see the full scope then? Feeling sorry for myself because he wanted you, not me. I was the friend the buddy. Drowning in low esteem,my friends...my friends, determined to make me happy. Why can't I find a person not squeezed by their personal selfishness, now in this time? My friends gave me humor,encouragement,love. My youth has been the softest blanket I have ever been wrapped in. The silly, crazy things we did, protected by the law and our own ignorance. Running and running we could not be caught... except by our broken heart. Why do I romance my youth, far from perfect, but I had so many perfect moments. So young knowing nothing of the world, except our dreams and fears. I miss that girl I was. God please just one more moment with her with me, to feel her strength,desires,hopes,dreams. I have to work so hard now to dream. I want the breath she breathed, I just want youthful me.