So you would conquer the world. Do what Napoleon and ****** tried to do. Take all our lands And submit them to your Law.
But can’t you see? You’ll never win their hearts. Some will passively resist you, Whatever that is. And others will welcome you with open arms Whilst waiting for the chance to strike.
Worse still Your very own “folk” Will grow green with envy And plot and scheme To bring you down.
The higher you get The nearer that precipice you creep And the greater your fall.
The bigger you are The easier target you become.
Paranoia will annoy you, But traitors will do worse.
Take my advice, my friend And stay within your patch. Have no “retreats from Moscow” On your CV. Better to win hearts and minds By making sure That you are truly Good.
Paul Butters
Addressed to anyone of the conquering persuasion! Was going to call this "Passive Resistance" but went on a different slant...