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Jan 2016
in poetic form

It was my intent to pack and leave
I was sorely wounded, grieved
I was very angry, peeved
At what Wolf Spirit had ill received.

But i was talked to by a friend
I should have prayed,
and not pressed "send"
No matter how roads wind and wend
It's The Lord's call in the end.

I should be Christian in my ways
Do what Bible teaching says
Avoid the darkness and the grey
But i will *LOVE my enemies

For we are in the End of Days.

So I will stay and pay the cost
Help the hurting and the lost
Endure the comments and the frost
Jesus Christ. His Love comes first.

I'll be there when you're chains clink
No matter if you cut or drink
No matter what you care or think
At evil I won't tip a wink

That doesn't mean I hold a grudge
I won't berate. I WILL NOT JUDGE
Through the mire. Stinking sludge.
I'm a soldier. On I trudge.

I have put on soothing gloves.
To minister with care and LOVE
The kind that comes from God above
I will TRY, push comes to shove.

Precious Seed is what i sow
God's Fruit of Spirit's what I'll show
So I won't leave. I will not go
Until The Lord tells me so.

I will work and seek His face
I will show His patience. Grace.
Of rancor there will be no trace.
I'll never tire. I'll run my race.

I'm here if you hurt today
I'll show you there's a better way
No matter what folks have to say
I will LOVE YOU. I will PRAY.

Someone needs to minister to the
hurting poets here.
I will work diligently to do that.
I will repost their poetry
And talk to them on the low
if they're lonely and need someone
to listen and pray for them.
This is my calling.
That doesn't mean I abandon my friends
it means I'll have less time though.
So please don't be offended if I don't
I'll be on the main site.

I know talk is cheap.


Special thanks to Alyssa.
I love you like my own sister...
as indeed YOU ARE.
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