When I looked into his eyes, I saw an incredible blue green ocean of a human being. A human being who cared. A human being who no matter what, would always be there. When I looked into his eyes, I saw a beautiful iris full of thoughts and desires, begging to be let out into the free world. Gentle thoughts. Pleasant thoughts. Desires that would make me jump with glee. I saw beauty. I saw passion. I saw a man, who was as strong as a lion but soft as a flower. A man who could protect me. A man who could laugh with me. A man who could love me. I saw a stunning picture of him and I, smiling, holding each other as we did, being so comfortable. So happy. He was the man who cared. But now he’s the man who left. When I look into his clear, grey tinged eyes, I see a boy. A little boy. A little boy who hides from the truth. A little boy who will lie to you. Who will tell you what you want to hear, so he doesn’t have to deal with the consequences, Though he has no issue telling others. A little boy who left you alone out in the cold, because he felt that he was responsible for keeping you warm, And that was too much to ask from him. Even after months of you saying to him that you were fine on your own. That you didn’t need help. Prince Charming turned out to be the villain. That beautiful man was a lie all along. He never really cared. Because if that man who cared about me so much was true, It wouldn’t matter that we broke up 9 months ago. He wouldn’t leave me in the dark, while he soaked up the light. It wouldn’t matter if we decided to stay friends, or if we decided to leave each other. He would still care. It wouldn't matter that we did decide to stay friends. He wouldn’t feel as if it were a responsibility to care about me. He just would. And that man who he was before, seemed like he genuinely did. But just like everything else, that was a lie too.
if you cared, you wouldn't have left me so abruptly. But you did. So you don't.