You taught me how to love, but never how to be loved. You showed me the beauty of trust; the bond of friendship. You were never mine, but I yours. You weren't my first kiss, and you won't be my last. But, you were my first love. My first real, true, deep love.
I don't even know if you realize how much I love you. Or if you ever will.
We haven't spoken in months, almost a year.
You voice has faded, Your laugh is gone, Your smile is lost, Your embrace has vanished.
Yet, my love for you remains untouched.
It always seems to come back to you.
You ******* me up real good, without even realizing it.
I wonder when I realized I loved you.
Was it when I couldn't breathe while in a room with you, but I couldn't imagine being anywhere else?
Was it when we were young, simply enjoying each others company?
Or was it when I realized the interactions I had with you - no matter how short or how long - were what got me through the day?
It was always you.
I admitted today that if I was to wait for anyone to fall for me, it would be you - and only you.