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Nov 2015
I analyzed you. Sitting across from me at that coffee table. I knew your thoughts as your eyes were indulged in that morning paper. I know more than what those reports share with you. I watched you, but you didn't know that. I saw the fear in your eyes and watched your hands tremble. In that moment you let go of me, but I still had you. We had each other... And no matter what the world crumbles to, I've got you.
I'm afraid to be in public.  I'm afraid to take my daughter to school. I'm afraid to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Can't take a plane, can't go to a football game. I'm afraid to get a phone call saying that the man I care for has died, working his regular hours at his authoritative job at the airport and everyone else will be able to get up and move on with their day and I'm afraid I will be stuck in time.
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PaperclipPoems  Nor Cal / Arizona
(Nor Cal / Arizona)   
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