Little sir, LONELY SIR Why are you so alone? SPEAK UP DON'T MURMUR No flowers litter my gravestone BECAUSE PEOPLE WALK AWAY I just want to blend in THEY TREAT YOU LIKE AN ASHTRAY My problems lie within I JUST WANT YO PLAY I need to close my self off IT ALWAYS RAINS ON A DARK DAY So there is no trade-off THEY DON'T SEE YOU ANYWAY She's always there for me PEOPLE CHANGE ON DOOMSDAY She protects me from myself who is beastly RAISE YOUR CUP I refuse to listen THEN BURN UP You won't darken my mind, it glistens! LISTEN TO MY WHISPERS Leave me alone SUFFER MY BLISTERS You won't break my capstone ALL I WANT IS A SMILE OR TWO This is a beautiful day NOT IN YOUR FIELD OF VIEW You won't have your way WE ALL RUN OUT OF TIME What if they look for me? THE BLACKNESS IS ONLY SUBLIME They can always see THEY ARE BLIND LIKE ALWAYS This is my happy life YOUR TRUTH IS JUST A LIE IN HAZE Just me and my wife SO WHY ARE YOU LONELY You aren't really there YOUR OPINION ONLY We GrEw Up OnLy To FaLl AnD TeAr YOU JUST LOVE THE PAIN All I seek is happiness NOT IN MY DOMAIN Why are you fueled by my sadness? DOLT YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE I shall and nothing will stop me DEMONS INSIDE ALWAYS MAKE YOU SHRIVE They all decay eventually I'm NoT WeLl BuT No OnE CaN TeLl As I SiT AnD StAy TrYiNg To KeEp ThE DaRkNeSs AwAy Please help me Before the rest of me is locked away with a skeleton key HE WON'T LAST LONG BECAUSE I'M HERE ALL ALONG My MiNd Is On FiRe It BuRnS LiKe HeLlFiRe
I am depressed when she isn't around. And my thoughts aren't exactly healthy, because I am stuck with them. And they whisper nefarious things in the dark, but when she isn't around the sun doesn't shine, it's black like my putrid thoughts.