I'm just thinking of the man with his flawless rhymes and carefully calculated poems And of the most poetic boy I've ever known Wondering why I associated both of them with the color green
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Green eyes I've always wanted green eyes Green is money Green is growth Green is spring Green is life But I've seen too much death I've touched too much death I've caused too much death I've loved death I've chased it, begged it, taunted it Death is around me I suppose that explains the blackness of my eyes
But your eyes Oh the eyes that take away the pain Those warm comforting eyes That belong to a man I love so much it kills me every time I have to say goodbye The man who I so desperately want to share everything with The man who protects me Who saves me Saves me from the lies I tell without even speaking My best friend that I can never keep He is only on loan for brief moments The moments I truly need him The man who gave me love The man who made me greater than myself
But your eyes The hypnotizingly icy eyes of the boy I wanted to desire I desired more than I was allowed More than he allowed More than they allowed More than I could have I lied lies he didn't believe I guess that proves it He was always smarter than me A boy with eyes that could **** Held his kindness close to his heart He showed it to me in fleeting shadows and whispers The boy who let me take a breath, though perhaps I held it in for too long
If this is about you, message me. Please. - - - Sort of a stream of consciousness... kinda. Sorry this is ****.