You stopped handing me your gaze, and yet your ship still sends ripples in. I hear your love is with someone new, and I know I'm not meant for you. I'm nothing more than a mere candle you once lit before putting in the cupboards. We were in something like infinity and I know I didn't fight, and it's unfair of me to put the blame on you, but why didn't you fight for me? I wanted to know I was worth your love. I wanted to know that everyone was wrong. And dear, you cannot play with something as dangerous and fragile as a heart. Your ship headed straight towards it and I never knew how in love you could look until you came at me with those cannons. How was I supposed to know we'd end up like this? You know I can't undo the feel of those rough hands, I can't forget the way your lips curved in at the sound of my name. You are destruction and I told you that as you promised it would all be alright. I told you someone would come out broken and I guess you know how to lie through those perfect teeth. I needed you so close then, but not as much as I do now. After all, I crossed that storm warning you swore was church bells. So come back you idiot, and let me on board to your ship. I promise I will let you and your lover tear me apart; I just want to be near you. I just want to hear you need me one more time.