"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"* she said.
"Well" I said Maybe I don't mind this glass house of mine being shattered, maybe that's the idea.
Maybe I'd prefer to be seen in all my transparency so you can no longer doubt or question me, cause maybe the glass that forms the walls of this cage isn't see through enough for me.
It fogs with the breath left from all those half truths and words I use to give you clues as to Who I am and Who I'm not. The words that echo back to me creating so near, so far images of the me that I've forgot.
Maybe in that fog you're not the only one that can't see me properly. I can't see out...looks frosty I'm cold, yet I can't stand the heat As this glass refracts light from gazes Of spectators and haters pointing pointless fingers as they take a seat, Insulates a rage in me!
"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" she said
As if I couldn't take what was about to come. As if to dismissively say You're not ready yet Don't let this cocoon you've created come undone. Giving me forewarning so I could standstill and run. Look at me! I stand still but I run!
But Maybe I don't mind being homeless, Maybe if I'm home less I'll feel home more in myself absent of barriers, comforts and fears of wealth and worth So I grit my teeth, dig my feet into the earth
"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" she said
As I hailed the first one at her Watched the crack spread Across her face Creating lace shapes And split her head in two As her image struggled to cling on With every molton strand of sand Left to her but she had no time left to seek as she fell creating a mosaic of shards, broken glass at my feet
Stepped over them
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones she said
Well I just did
Cause I helped raise this Glass House in fear
And I will knock down any monument to dictatorship
The great dictator is Fear You overcome fear with hope which is an extension of love and love overcomes all. I can see the bad but I ultimately believe in the best side of humanity and as I'm part of that collective I thought its best to extend some of that courage and belief in and to myself.