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Roger Turner - Poet
Aug 2015
A different kind of normal
I was just getting a coffee
Grabbed a seat and shut my eyes
My son was in for testing
Having trouble with his eyes
The room was full of parents
Also waiting on some tests
But over in the corner
Sat one boy not like the rest
He was in a wheelchair setup
With knobs and flags, all sorts of gear
He looked at me and smiled
"you're new...I've not seen you here"
I smiled, mumbled something
He smiled back, said "it's ok."
Then he wheeled himself beside me
And said "Sir, your life will change today"
"Your son will come back to you"
"There are things he'll have to do"
"He can only do so much though"
"The rest is up to you"
"Don't look on him as challenged"
"your son, is still the same"
"he's now....a different kind of normal"
"If you must give it a name"
"A child born with no sight"
"That is normal ....don't you see?"
"What's normal to that child"
"Is just not the same for you and me"
"It's a different kind of normal"
"That's the best thing you can say"
"For a child without eyesight"
"you just find a different way"
"How do you know the feeling"
"Of something you've not had?|
"If you've never caught a football"
"Would missing it be bad?"
"It's just a different kind of normal"
"That's all that I can say"
"I've never run or jumped"
"But, I still learned to play"
This boy, was something special
Someone special, heaven sent
I was learning things for nothing
And to me that's money well spent
"A person adapts to whatever"
"it is they have to change"
"It's just a different kind of normal"
"And it's really not so strange"
"Who says just what is normal?"
"We're all different in some way"
"Whether hindered by our bodies"
"Or by things along the way"
"To label one as special"
"or as challenged, or just ill"
"It limits them forever"
"It equates them down to nil"
"Just think we all are equal"
"We just don't all act the same"
"We're a different kind of normal"
"And to us, it's not a game"
He touched my hand real gently
More like a feather on my skin
He said, "My name is Simon"
"And I'm glad that you came in"
"Just think of what I told you"
"Just take some time, once I am gone"
"We're all a different kind of normal"
"Now you know...so...pass it on."
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Tonya Maria
Phil Lindsey
Paul Butters
Thelma Hunt
3 others
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