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Jun 2015
... and WHY.

I write extemporaneously.

Now there's a million dollar word!

What does it mean?
It is defined as working, writing
or speaking without preparation.
Anything that is off the top of your
head. Off the cuff.

Is there anything a writer would like more? To be able to sit down and let those words flow like a spring. The subconscious fully aligned with the conscious mind. This is the very essence of inspiration!

What is the derivation of the word inspiration? To inhale. To breathe in.*

It is like your lungs are your conscious mind and the subconsciousness is the very atmosphere around you!

When I write the words are inhaled. They just come. Very seldom do i cogitate. I want my words to be cogant here. I don't want preconcieved cognition!

Are you totally confused now? Why?

Your vocabulary. There are words you don't understand in my last paragraph. Perhaps the words cogitate, cogant and cognition?

Use a good dictionary and get the definition. The CORRECT definition. Read ALL the definitions and use them in sentances of your own making. That way they are in your head. They are not only part of your conscious mind but your subconscious mind as well!!! SO NOW THEY ARE IN YOUR ATMOSPHERE TO BREATHE!

Am I making sense? Let me know via the site message system if you don't understand.

Look it up. R E A D. Voraciously.
And write. WRITE. W R I T E!!!

Why do I write?

To release pent up feelings. When you're able to tap into the subconscious mind it is a release.


For the sheer joy of doing so!

You will understand once you start writing as I do. Anyone can do it.

*A N Y O N E.
Other advice I can give is to write gobbledygook. Ummhummdumm.
Whatever comes to mind first. This releases your subconscios mind and helps the flow of words.

If this writing has been helpful please contact me via the site message system. Or comment.
I can write about it at greater length.


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