you never needed to study in school,
things just came to you,
so trigonometry was easier than tools for you,
how the boys would tease you,
how you couldn't use tools very well,
but you had your brain,
and they really did not.
how smart were you,
trading math lessons,
for help with your mechanics,
the boys soon loved you,
How you saved the boys,
and how they saved you,
how you were lucky to never have to fight,
side by side with them,
Molly sweet Molly,
how you cried later on about the day you had to learn to use a gun,
the reason you signed up for the navy was to never have to hold one,
but they made you hold a gun, aim, shoot, and fire down the range,
next to the boys who all had to **** it up & keep a straight upset face.
Molly sweet Molly,
how you were happy as can be,
when shooting targets,
and holding guns when away,
and never came back.
and Molly,
how you finally where done,
made your commitment to america,
and flying home on the plane in your navy uniform,
america won a fight somewhere,
so Molly,
everyone wanted to buy you,
a drink,
your first drink,
in a long while.
Molly, its my aunts nickname and was supposed to be my name, I honestly wish it was, but if I have a daughter first one will be named Molly Anne whatever the dude or girls last name is.