Day 1: Blithe (bl-I-the); happy or joyous "I'm sorry but I'm rather blithe right now. It was nice to meet you." Day 7: Convivial (kon-viv-ve-ul); friendly, lively, or enjoyable "The room spikes from dull to absolutely convivial just from your precence, darling." Day 15: Pulchritudinous (puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs); extreme physical beauty "You look absolutely pulchritudinous tonight." Day 16: Love (luhv); an intense feeling of deep affection "I love you." Day 30: Veridical (vuh-rid-i-kuhl); truthful; veracious "This isn't how it used to be, if i'm being completely veridical" Day 45: Simulacrum (sim-yuh-ley-crum); a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness "You were just a simulacrum for real love!" Day 49: Lugubrious (luh-goo-bre-us); full of sorrow or sadness "Will the lugubrious feelings ever stop?" Day 50: goodbye (good-bi); used to express good wishes when parting "Goodbye..."