I broke my rules I gave to myself, I shattered my truce. The clock keeps ticking, I keep crying, wondering if I can bother to talking to you. I see myself slowly crumbling, like I'm dust. I feel my face being slowly shattered, I can not speak my tongue.
Rule over my eyesight I screamed, now I learn, now I've learned to break free. I wish for my arms to touch the sky, I did not want to hide. You offered me a sweet sacrifice, I was willing to take.
For I found out that my disloyalty, ended up with me facing fate itself. One thing is to hide, another to lie. Lying it killed me.
I'm sitting here begging to be free inside of my soul. I tried so hard to love another, but he does not see me at all. Just like how over the months, you have become more faded in this storybook. Where is the protagonist, I only see the villain now.
I see a crowded light, with millions of souls surrounding. I see the clock, ticking on and on, until my life is gone, I have nothing at all.
Written to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2LhSv4vYrg