There in the closeness A hairs breadth away seems a million light-years The sweetest air fills lungs in hurried breaths A quickened heartbeat drowns out the world The mind twists and sways in thoughts that soon become a blur Melded into emotion, into heat And time stands still
Drawn like magnets to fill the gap That electric blue spark lingers behind a gaze Current runs high Feeling the blood rushing through the smallest veins Every cell electrified, every hair on end The weakening of unwanted defenses That moment the body and soul acquiesce And time stands still
In the stroke of a cheek The almost intangible sensation of gliding on smoke Rising as the embers burn from within And each breath fans the flames Proximity feeds passion As time stands still
The past, erased methodically, deliberately For there is only this This birthing of eternity This moment when the tentative brushing of lips Burns into soulful coalescence This one reality This moment When time stands still
42615 And if you haven't found a kiss like that, you're kissing the wrong one
***Okay my lovelies, I have gone through three different titles for this poem. I don't think any of them quite fit. I'm open to suggestions. So far I have gone through -in the warmth of a kiss -as time stands still -the birth of eternity -if a kiss is just a kiss, you're doing it wrong
Please feel free to list any suggestions in the comments or in a message