"Let's forget that, want to talk about the things we've forgotten?"
He looks at me analyzing, and perplexed by, my intentions against the blank slate that is my face.
"Yeah! Right? Been trying hard to forget this winter dude, the snow is killing me!"
Matt turns away, takes a slug and summons Vince over in order to order a shot of cinnamon whiskey. I turn to wheel of fortune and start counting letters in potential words when I say
"I bet I've forgotten more things than you can remember" "..."
"Excuse me?"
He turns back with fireball eyes and whiskey in his hand and I'm startled by the voracity of his intoxication. Smiling yet totally instigated he looks me in the eye, takes his shot and states
"are you ridiculing my memories man? You think you had it harder than me?" pointing at my chest "Anyone can see how privileged you ******* are."
I shut up, turn back to wheel and practice my silence. He drains his beer and steps out into the suffocating snow. Beautiful snow. I imagine stuffing great white handfuls of the wet stuff into his face for all eternity. Is the snow killing you now BUDDY?! Lets talk about the weather MAN!! Tell me all about it DUDE!