Mysterious orbs, enthralling eyes Lovely hands feared by demise With a touch that turns tumult to ease Each gentle caress calms infuriated seas
Raven locks soft against fingertips Fetching curves on a pair of rosy lips A voice mellifluous like an angel's, divine A smile more radiant than a ray of sunshine
Every movement manifests innate grace The light at the end of a tenebrous maze The embodiment of one's romantic dreams, But my hands are about to rip your elation's seams
You are perfect - perfectly flawed An act the audience would barely applaud Tongue soaked in a well of profanities A lacerated soul plotting atrocities
Tousled hair, pernicious hands Your sanity gallops on feeble strands Frivolous antics deem you ignominious But how you handle agony is stupendous
Perhaps it is why he is utterly enamored Hymns of love in his mind sauntered Your presence drives away his blues You fit impeccably as his muse
From a distance, a scenic perfection I spew no confession but unadulterated admiration Lucky is he who holds your heart I am but a spectator awaiting the story's subsequent part