This is a story about love and lust and misplaced trust
and the subject, the main character, today: avoiding the dive-- the rush of fear and feeling alive-- because of those experiences with that love and lust and misplaced trust.
The Character has been here before: heart on sleeve, opening up: thinking it's love. But no luck.
And it all seems to be an unlucky series. Because that paper heart was played with, you see (At least now we know that it bleeds). That fragile glass ***** was put into the hands of a careless child playing a part in the pitiful dance of telling this story.
This Character once gave it all Jumped and flew and then, just fell. Nobody caught this trusting sap And at the landing: You could hear that heart crack
But we recover-- stitches do heal-- so it might just appeal to this storybook Character, to try bending the rules created to keep that heart a little safer, to leap once (or a few times) more because behind one of those doors is the fairytale ending.
Fairty tales always start with the opposition. I think.