Click Clack Click Clack My throat is burning My skin is dry; barely clinging to my bones My eyes are glued shut by exhaustion But I know I should open them Click Clack The rough surface of the floor beneath me Scrapes my fragile skin Help me Click Clack With the rest of the strength I harbor inside me I open my eyes Click Clack A dim light looming above me, flickers as it swings side to side The only source of light The only source of hope Click Clack Time eludes me There are no windows in my prison Click Clack No, there is only Time and Pain My two closest friends Click Clack Exhaustion sweeps over my protesting body once again And my eyes drape in defeat My muscles sag their heads in despair And my bones creak as they settle back into place Click Clack My mind flickers into a dream Where I live vicariously through my inner self Click Clack* It's safer this way.