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Feb 2015
I was playing, jumping up and
Down, I was cartwheeling
Right side up
Upside down,
I heard a noise, I heard a grumble
Was it thunder
The sky Is blue??
Where did that noise come from
Was it you.
I walked along, and heard it again
I looked under my jumper
There it goes again.
Are you
To me, what do want, speak up
I don't speak belly?
I do feel hungry though,
Is it that what you want,
Is that which you need.
Home we go, moving fast,
Still talking each louder than the last.
"I need you MUMMY"
"I need you DADDY"
My belly has been talking
Its telling me its hungry,
Like thunder a rumbling rolls
Around my empty tum,
"Goodness me"
"Goodness you"
I'll make you both a sandwich
Make both you happy.
"Thanks mummy"
"Tummy said thanks too"
Grumble went my tum
As both of us were filled with
It was good tasting,
And filled my taste buds as
Well as a friend that
Of his need to be filled up too.
"Each chew"
"Each swallow"
"Quieter than the last"
I had eaten my sandwich
Crusts and all. My belly vibrated, I think
It was a sleep, I felt much better now I had something
To eat. Empty plate that's good to see,
How are you both?
"Mummy we are very happy"
With a grin I rubbed my tummy,
My belly just spoke
My belly has a need
"What is that little man"
Grinning ear to ear,
Is that you talking or tummy rumbling again,
My belly just likes to be full for me to eat.
Another of my kids stories series
Poetic T
Written by
Poetic T  On Oblivions Doorstep
(On Oblivions Doorstep)   
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