Fell in deep slumber But my soul is wide awake; Nights filled with horrendous dreams Or are those my realities haunting me ? Falling in the abyss of thoughts Ready to feel shattered and lost
my soul weakens and breaks my emotions separate themselves from each other and exit from my husk of my body no one around as I die lonely starving for love i wake up lonely
Afraid that the dreams could become reality or at least haunt me for the rest of my life , leaving my soul forever tainted
I'm taunted but At the edges of my fears for a moment, Wisdom breaths courage And I a m F r e e With each step I can see a glimpse of elation enchanting my soul awakaning my hope replenishing the hole in the mists of my heart lost without love joy is found and at long last I am whole.
This is another KING-Collab I did with three amazing poets.. pls comment and repost 1 Blythe 2 Cody Dale 3 Donna Jones and Gary Liles 4 Jamie King