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Jan 2015
Drip, drip, drip.
As my skin starts to rip.
The past seems to fade
with a two-sided blade.

A thin, sharp metal aid
for the mistakes I’ve made.
Was once glad we met,
now dying of regret.

Two things flow
As I think of us both.
Tears from my eyes
and blood from each glide.

Drip, drip, drip.
the next sad song I skip.
Every ballad I hear,
just adds another tear.

How can I move on?
How can I forget?
I’m having a relapse
and recovery isn’t close yet.

I won't ask you,
‘cause I know what is true.
“I love you” is what you’d say,
and “Sorry, but not in that way.”
Coleen Jade
Written by
Coleen Jade  18/Bigender
       Aasim Le Roux, Eudora, Julian, Naomie, Creep and 4 others
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